How to
Traveling through West Africa by car (Part 2) – From Senegal over Mali, Ghana, Togo and Benin to Nigeria
I wrote about traveling through West Africa by car in a previous blog post, covering the route from Morocco to Gambia. Since then I made it to Nigeria (without a carnet de passage), in this post I´ll write about what is important to know when traveling further south. Necessary documents All documents listed in my … Continue reading
Traveling through West Africa by car – From Spain over Morocco, Mauretania and Sengeal to GambiaMit dem Auto durch Westafrika reisen – Von Spanien über Marokko, Mauretanien und Senegal nach Gambia
Endless bumpy desert roads, berber and beduine tribes, countless police- and border stops and the road fee and car tax negotiations with highway police and gendarms that go along with them. Traveling West Africa by car is a real adventure! Just taking off without any prior knowledge may increase the adventure factor, but some basic … Continue reading
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- Traveling through West Africa by car (Part 2) – From Senegal over Mali, Ghana, Togo and Benin to Nigeria
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"“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau