The 3rd fundraising betDie 3. Spendenwette – Schulmaterialien für Shipibo Kinder
Ich wette, dass ich für jede gespendete 10€ eine Person finde, die mit mir am Freitag, 25. Mai, gemeinsam ein Lied singt. Mit den gesammelten Spenden werden Schulmaterialien für Shipibo Kinder in Peru, Pucallpa gekauft Beispiel: Wenn Ihr 1000€ spendet, müssen wir am Freitag 100 Leute an einem Platz versammeln und singen! 😉 Wofür genau … Continue reading
Webisode #6 – Africa, a dangerous country!
I had to leave Africa (reasons below). During a 2 week stopover in Europe many people asked me “How was Africa?”. The video below is my shot to answer this question. If you like what I am doing, just click LIKE here: Why I had to leave Africa After mastering the Ekok-Mamfe road I … Continue reading
Webisode #5 – On rough roadsWebisodio #5 – Sobre calles difíciles
After raising money for Gambian orphans and singing “Waka Waka” with 111 students of the Ola Senior High School in Ghana, it was time to continue my trip to South Africa. This time I was on my own… Check out the new webisode and see how I travelled through Mali, Ghana and Nigeria, how two … Continue reading
Traveling through West Africa by car (Part 2) – From Senegal over Mali, Ghana, Togo and Benin to Nigeria
I wrote about traveling through West Africa by car in a previous blog post, covering the route from Morocco to Gambia. Since then I made it to Nigeria (without a carnet de passage), in this post I´ll write about what is important to know when traveling further south. Necessary documents All documents listed in my … Continue reading
How 111 students became heroes – the second fundraising betWie 111 Schülerinnen zu Helden werden – Die zweite SpendenwetteCómo 111 estudiantes se convirtieron en héroes – la segunda apuesta para recaudar fondos
It’s finally done. After four weeks of waiting for a new camera (mine was stolen), the second bet is close to completion. Once more, I pushed myself to the limit to find at least 111 avid music lovers to perform the song “Waka waka” with me. The donations of 1107 € will be used to … Continue reading
The 2nd fundraising betDie 2. Spenden-Wette
We bet, that for each 10€ donated, we´ll find one person to sing a song with us. The donations will be used to sent orphans living in The Ghambia to school. Check out the fundraising bet hereWir haben gewetten, dass wir für jede gespendete 10€ eine Person finden, die mit uns am Dienstag, 10. Januar … Continue reading
Webisode #4 – Crossing Borders, Eliminating StereotypesWepisodio 4 – Cruzando Fronteras, Eliminando Estereotipos
After doing the first fundraising bet in Tangier, it was time to move on. Together with Monica, Cala and Catarina I went from Morocco to Gambia, crossing the West Sahara desert, Mauritania and Senegal. Watch the 4th Webisode to see how we crossed borders, had a lot of fun negotiating with highway police and custom … Continue reading
A spontaneous Xmas freestyle session – 7:30 in the morning in Mali, Bamako
When entering the Artesana handcraft market in Malis capital I ran into Daddy Ghanja. He brought me to a village in the mountains where I spent Christmas with him and many more artists. On the 24th we spontaneously decided to do a little XMAS freestyle jam-session. This guy is just awesome and full of energy, … Continue reading
Traveling through West Africa by car – From Spain over Morocco, Mauretania and Sengeal to GambiaMit dem Auto durch Westafrika reisen – Von Spanien über Marokko, Mauretanien und Senegal nach Gambia
Endless bumpy desert roads, berber and beduine tribes, countless police- and border stops and the road fee and car tax negotiations with highway police and gendarms that go along with them. Traveling West Africa by car is a real adventure! Just taking off without any prior knowledge may increase the adventure factor, but some basic … Continue reading
‘Hey Mr. Small Man’ – The Fab&Vivien title song
Wondering where the title song of the Fab&Vivien-Webisodes is coming from? We recorded it on our own 😉 Words by Kenny Stanger Sung by me (I had a cold!!), recorded with the awesome people from Groovestrasse, drums by Marino Colina Enjoy: Hey Mr. Small Man by Fab&Vivien Lyrics: Hey Mr. Small Man, what did you … Continue reading