Webisode #5 – On rough roadsWebisodio #5 – Sobre calles difíciles
After raising money for Gambian orphans and singing “Waka Waka” with 111 students of the Ola Senior High School in Ghana, it was time to continue my trip to South Africa. This time I was on my own… Check out the new webisode and see how I travelled through Mali, Ghana and Nigeria, how two … Continue reading
Webisode #4 – Crossing Borders, Eliminating StereotypesWepisodio 4 – Cruzando Fronteras, Eliminando Estereotipos
After doing the first fundraising bet in Tangier, it was time to move on. Together with Monica, Cala and Catarina I went from Morocco to Gambia, crossing the West Sahara desert, Mauritania and Senegal. Watch the 4th Webisode to see how we crossed borders, had a lot of fun negotiating with highway police and custom … Continue reading
Webisode #3 – Tangier, the gate to AfricaWebisode #3 – Tanger, la puerta de África
Meet Monir! After two years I met my friend Monir again, in Tangier Morocco. Learn about his life, his dreams and how we tries to cross the sea by using trucks which transport goods from Morocco to Spain. Die erste Spenden-Wette läuft! Zum Weitersagen einfach ein “Gefällt mir” auf dieser Seite geben. Music used … Continue reading
Webisode #2 – Good bye Europe and the Importance of PatienceWebisode #2 – Adiós Europa y la importancia de paciencia
Good bye Europe, hello Africa! Finally I made it out of Spain. What first seemed to be wasted time, turned out to be a valuable lesson. The second episode explains why. To spread the word just click LIKE here: The more people know about Fab&Vivien, the more donations will be generated for the projects … Continue reading
Fab&Vivien Webisode #1 – Stuck in GranadaFab&Vivien Webisode #1 – Varado en Granada
May the adventure begin! After a long time of getting used to a new camera and new editing software, the first Webisode is finished. Enjoy! To spread the word, just click LIKE here: Of course, despite the starting difficulties and the disappearance of Vivien, the show will go on! I am right now trying … Continue reading
[:en]Watch my last webisode[:de]Die letzte Webisode[:es]Nuestro ultimo video
[:en]Supported by:[:de]Unterstützt von:[:es]Con el apoyo de:
[:en]Where are we?:[:es]¿Donde estamos?:[:de]Wo sind wir?:
[:en]Recent Posts[:de]Letzte Beiträge[:es]Ultimas entradas
- The 3rd fundraising betDie 3. Spendenwette – Schulmaterialien für Shipibo Kinder
- Webisode #6 – Africa, a dangerous country!
- Webisode #5 – On rough roadsWebisodio #5 – Sobre calles difíciles
- Traveling through West Africa by car (Part 2) – From Senegal over Mali, Ghana, Togo and Benin to Nigeria
- How 111 students became heroes – the second fundraising betWie 111 Schülerinnen zu Helden werden – Die zweite SpendenwetteCómo 111 estudiantes se convirtieron en héroes – la segunda apuesta para recaudar fondos
[:en]Quote of the day[:de]Zitat des Tages[:es]Cita del dia
All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them
Todos nuestros sueños pueden convertirse en realidad si tenemos el coraje de perseguirlos.”
source: Walt Disney