How to make the world a better place?Eine bessere Welt?¿Cómo hacer el mundo un mejor lugar?

“Imagine you have the attention of the world for 30 seconds.
What would you tell everybody about how to make the world a better place?”

I asked this question to people I met on my world trip and collect their answers on this page.

You can give your own answers by sending a youtube link to your video to or as a comment using facebook or Diqus at the bottom of this page.


Cala (Finland)


Daddy Ghanja (Mali, Bamako)


Slamen (Gambia)


Catarina (Finland)


Sainey (Gambia)


Zander (Netherlands)


A Hitchhiker (Poland)


Lucas (Spain)


Francisco (Spain)


“Stell dir vor, die ganze Welt hört dir für 1 Minute zu.
Was würdest du Ihnen sagen, wie jeder die Welt ein bisschen besser machen kann?”
Ich stelle diese Frage allen Menschen die ich unterwegs treffe, ihre Antworten sammel ich auf dieser Seite.
Du kannst deine eigene Antwort geben, entweder als Kommentar oder indem du dein eigenes Video an sendest.

Cala (Finland)

Slamen (Gambia)

Catarina (Finland)

Sainey (Gambia)

Zander (Netherlands)

A Hitchhiker (Poland)

Lucas (Spain)

Francisco (Spain)

One of the most common concerns that parents have is their children being exposed to profane language.

One of the most common concerns that parents have is their children being exposed to profane language.

One of the most common concerns that parents have is their children being exposed to profane language